NQF 4 Full Training Program Classroom

NQF4 Full Training Program Classroom

The PPRA requires that all interns comply with the following:

  1. To complete their NQF4 qualification
  2. To complete their logbook
  3. To write the PDE4 exam
  4. To serve a 1-year internship period, calculated form the date of issue of your 1st FFC.

The above must be done within 2 years.

Many interns are advised to serve the internship period first and then embark on their qualification.

This is such poor advice. The qualification is not a walk in the park and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process.

Furthermore, it empowers the intern with essential theoretical knowledge to put into practice.

The logbook is built over a few months. If you complete your qualification 1st, many of the items required for the logbook has already been compiled and can just be added in.

The PDE4 cannot be written before the NQF4 qualification is achieved and the logbook has been accepted by the PPRA. It can only be submitted from the 13th month after date of 1st registration.

We have changed our formula for our intern training programme to make it more affordable on the short term.

  • We have separated our qualification training from the logbook compilation and the PDE4 preparation.
  • Interns can follow the qualification first,
  • thereafter opt to complete the logbook with our assistance/or on their own
  • and once they are ready, choose to attend our PDE4 preparatory workshop.
  • We have a payment plan - or you can save by paying cash upfront (See enrolment form for payment options)

Our next Full Intern Training Course intake in Durbanville is scheduled for 11 & 12 MARCH

(The program runs over 6 months – All class dates listed below must be attended at our training venue in Durbanville–)

All class dates for this course
11-12 MARCH
25-26 JUNE

You come to us as a “Rookie” – we turn you into a Professional Real Estate Practitioner!

iSiKolo has received full accreditation with Services Seta and the PPRA– accreditation number 9972.

Yours in training- where learning is made easy.